Sunday, May 30, 2010


I painted this beach scene on a perfect evening last week in Delaware State Park...not sure of my specific location because when I left I drove in the wrong direction and promptly got lost. I love my GPS! even though on this trip it insisted that my hotel was across the street from where it actually was. Besides spending lovely evenings painting on the beach and the bay I got to eat crabs!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Cumbres Pass - over 10,000 ft. It was an exciting day to be high in the Rocky Mountains; big wind, warm temps... in the 40's...and snow melt rushing down hill as fast as it can go in all ditches, creeks & gulleys. A very fun day of painting for my first new state of the year.

This 9 x 12 is painted on a pink Wallis board using a limited palette of soft pastels. I think it has the feel of a plein air painting...spontaneous, fresh with wind-blown clouds and a strong abstract design. I hope you see how much fun I had painting it. The air gets a little thin at 10,000 feet but I had been acclimated to approximately 7000' from Santa Fe.